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Part Details

A06B-6044-H007 SPINDLE AMP AC SP-3

FANUC parts >> A06B-6044-H007 SPINDLE AMP AC SP-3


Part Number: A06B-6044-H007

Exchange Price



Need this part? Call for availability. If inventory allows, we will convert an item in stock.

Non return of a repairable exchange part within 15 days will result in an additional invoice for the above exchange price.

Repair Price


Turnaround times for standard repairs are based on workload. Please contact Tri Star CNC services for emergency repair requirements.
Please contact Tri Star CNC Services to place an order.

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A06B-6044-H007 SPINDLE AMP AC SP-3 Repair & Parts Exchange

Free Phone Support

For help resolving an issue with your A06B-6044-H007 SPINDLE AMP AC SP-3, give us a call for free phone support. Our technicians are standing by to walk you through machine repairs at no cost. If you need professional repairs for your FANUC CNC parts, we'll walk you through the send-in process to minimize downtime. Call us today for free phone support for your FANUC machine.





FANUC CNC Spindle Amp  Repair Services

Get repairs for your  A06B-6044-H007 SPINDLE AMP AC SP-3 by sending your parts to Tri Star CNC. We always thoroughly inspect, repair and clean your parts before sending them back. To get started, fill out an RMA form and send it along with a contact form. You only pay for the necessary services we perform, so if you part only needed to be cleaned to continue functioning, you'll only be charged for that service. We'll also replace your A06B-6044-H007 SPINDLE AMP AC SP-3 when it has reached the end of its lifecycle.

Tri Star CNC offers the best selection of FANUC replacement parts. When your part has broken, it will put your whole production process on hold. We have the fastest repair turnaround rate, so we’ll have you back up and running as fast as possible. If you still don’t have time to spare, we can send you a replacement part to move the process along even faster.


Field Service

Our send-in repair services are available for all locations within the U.S. Consult our field service map to see whether on-site maintenance for your A06B-6044-H007 SPINDLE AMP AC SP-3 is available.


We provide the following services for all FANUC parts:

Alarm Code Alarm Display Description 
1       Red Alarm Light Motor is overheated.
2     Red Alarm Light   Speed is deviated from the command value due to overload and others.
3     Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light Regenerative circuit is faulty or Fuse F7 in DC link is blown.
4   Red Alarm Light     Fuses F1, F2, or F3 in AC input circuit are blown.
5   Red Alarm Light   Red Alarm Light Fuse AF2 or AF3 on PCB is blown.
6   Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light   The motor speed exceeds the maximum rated speed (analog system detection).
7   Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light The motor speed exceeds the maximum rated speed (digital system detection).
8 Red Alarm Light       Power voltage (+24 V) is higher than specified.
9 Red Alarm Light     Red Alarm Light Radiator for power semiconductors is overheated.
10 Red Alarm Light   Red Alarm Light   +15 V power voltage is abnormally low.
11 Red Alarm Light   Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light DC link voltage is abnormally high.
12 Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light     DC link current is flows excessively.
13 Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light   Red Alarm Light CPU and peripheral parts are defective.
14 Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light   ROM is defective.
15 Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light Red Alarm Light Option circuit is faulty.

When a FANUC alpha spindle amplifier alarm is thrown chances are you'll need support from professionals experienced in FANUC component repairs. Give us a call - phone support is FREE and we'll clearly define your options for parts repair or replacement:

Alarm & error codes

Contact Tri Star CNC Services for the fastest repairs & replacement for CNC parts.



Parts & Repair Warranty Information

Exchange parts and repaired parts include a 1-year warranty. Tri Star CNC, LLC warrants the COMPLETE ASSEMBLY REPAIR – not just the parts and labor.

Get more details on our warranty and please contact us for further support.

Contact Us

For parts repair or replacement, please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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